Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This is the day the LORD has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

Day 5 of giving thanks every day no matter the circumstances of this life, I missed the last few blog entries because there wasnt enough time in the day and there still isnt! but i wont skip!
 So tonight instead of trying to tell some amazing story about my life or my kids or whats going on in my head, i am simply thankful for the littel pleasures in life. this week especially , im so greatful for tastebuds and also coffee. I love the smell, the taste, the feeling of the warm liquid going down, the warmth of the mug in my hand. its an experience, and i love it everytime.
so yes , iam thankful for coffee! Thank you Lord for crating these yummy beans,, i know you could of created us without taste or smell, how would we ever know the difference? we wouldnt most likely but you love us enough to give us these simple littel pleasures! thank you!
oh and new stuies show that coffee reduces chance of stoke! BONUS!

Friday, August 26, 2011

life of abunance

This is the day the LORD has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118;24

Day 4 of being thankful for something in my life everyday for 6 months.

Today was a fantastic day!! Work was great! I enjoyed a fun evening with friends and family, had Angel spend the day with me at work, Estella was so excited to see me after daycare, and I just listed my house and found out I have a showing allready!! I know it will sell in 2 weeks! And to finish off my fantastic day a wonderful conversation with the love of my life!!
So todayI am thankful for so much! My life is so blessed and fullfilled! I almost feel like everything I just listed is an added extra bonus. Watching the famine and drought in the Horn of Africa, mothers and fathers are walking weeks in 100+ degree heat in search of water and leaving their babies behind to die beacuse the journey is to long, I can't even begin to imagine the pain. And to think I throw out warm bottel of water half drank that I left in the car overnight.
I have a house, not the nicest,but its not a hut,
I have food in my cupboards, refrigarator and freezer, even have a drawer of food at work, not to mention my 94 cent coffe almost daily from Mc Donalds.  I know without a doubt Ill eat not just once a day but at least 3 meals and a snack  or 2. While there is a orphange ( I beleive is in africa, My friend Renee has a friend who runs it) and says the woman chose to feed their own chilren a meal one day and the orphans a meal the next day. How gut wrenching to watch and have to chose who eats and who dosent eat.
I am thankful for not only my family and friends but for living with abunance, because even when i have to go 'without' i still am so rich and blessed.
Psalm 118 26-27

 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.
   From the house of the LORD we bless you.[b]
27 The LORD is God,
   and he has made his light shine on us

Thank you God for shining your light on me! I am so thankful for your grace and true compassionate love for me. I am so overwhelmed at how good you are to me when i continue to fall short so many times on this journey, My prayer for right now is to be with everyone of those parents in the horn of africa and give them corage, strength both physically and mentally to carry on and find refuge, be with the children that are being left behind, wrap them in your arms and let them find comfort in you, please dont let another one of those littel children your children be left behind. Bring rain, pour it down,open the floodgates of heaven and drench their land, rain down manna just like in the days of Moses and fill their stomachs! i know you can , i believe you can, please Lord answer my prayer, thank you.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

the love award

This is the day the Lord has made, i will rejoice and be glad in it . Psalm 118:24

Day 3 of giving thanks every day for 6 months no matter what life brings.
 I wish i was a perfect mom, i think we all secertly wish that. Iwish i didnt ever yell or get mad, i secretly wish my girls were perfect too, then we could be this big happy perfect family! GAG!!!! How fun would that really be? Sure it would be great to never have any tension or stress or drama in this all girl house (oh how i feel for matt after the wedding!) Where would all the other stories come if we were perfect?  We would be a perfectly BORING family!
Oh but i do wish my oldest Angel and i wouldnt have fought today. when we do I feel terrible inside, i can see the hurt in her eyes and my heart cries! God grant me patience and wisdom.
Estella got to spend the first half of the day with me and like yesterday i listened more, tried to spend mmore quality time not just shaking my head saying uh huh, yep , okay. We are a very affectionate family, always mushy gushy hugging,kisses, handholding,rubbing backs. Our family love language is definately touch and time.
Im looking forward to having some quality time with Angel hopefully soon.
When i got home tonight Estella ran to the car to great me!! MOM I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! My heart lept for joy!! I couldnt believe it! When was the last time she ever did that? Angel followed her out , not as a cheerful as a greeting, but i understand why. Im sure the appolgetic voicemail i left her telling her i love her didnt really win her over yet.
So its family movie night i decide, my pick, an old classic, the secret of nihm. No one can fight because its my pick! Before the movie starts Estellla RUNS EXCITEDLY into my room to get my suprise she left on my bed!!! Its a note. But not just any note. This is a note to keep forever! Its a LOVE AWARD!!! and guess who won it? Thats right ME!!!! She writes :  MOMMY THIS IS FOR YOU> I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND A LOVE AWARD JUST FOR YOU. LOVE ESTELLA!!! SORRY I MADE YOU LOOK OLD< IM SORRY.
She drew a picture of me,but i think i look super Fabulous!!and she drew a trophy that says LOVE AWARD FOR THE MOST LOVE EVER.
What more could i ask for? I guess there will be good days and not so good ays with my girls, but even when they are not so perfect god has a way of knitting everything together for good. The family movie night wasnt perfect, there was bickering about who was chewing to loud or eating the most popcorn, but im in the middel, looking down and through it all smiling, fighting back the tears because they both have there heads on my shoulders, Angel to the left, Estella to the right hands in mine and i can kiss the top of there heas and just breath in this moment because i know it wont last long enough.
This is the day the Lord has made and I am rejoicing with a heart overflowing with love.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

time is a gift

This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!!! Psalm 118:24

 This is day 2 of the 6 month challenge to give thanks everyday for something!! I just read the whole psalm, im not going to post the whole thing but its wonderful! so i think today i will focus in the first  verse,

                                Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
                                 for his steadfast love endures forever!
Yesterday morning when I was laying in bed enjoying my me time, my 7 year old daughter Estella came and crawled in. I LOVE it when my girls come and cuddel! But i just wanted her to lay still and be quite, because i was relaxed with my laptop and wanted to start my day peacefully. she asked me a couple times to scratch her back and i felt incredibly guilty when i said to wait!! and i had just finished my blog on giving thanks!! ugghh!
so i closed it up and scratched and rubbed her back and really just enjoyed  those moments with her. We tallked and laughed and i told her that today i was thankful for her, for my girls.

all day today she was with me at work and we had break and we read a book together, then instead of running errands i took her to the library and we stopped and had a muffin at the local food co outside and enjoyed the sunny late afternoon together, it was easier than i thought to push aside all the worries of the day and all the many things going on in my life to just stop and sit for awile and enjoy my daughter.

When we got home as we were cleaning up the yard we took the time to waltz together to  the other side, yes it would of been faster not to, but another precious memory of my day is now stored in my heart, and i am so glad i took the time.

Yes, the Lord is good!! He chose me to be these girls mom! they are a gift! A gift so special and so valuable that i realize i need to spend a littel more time and care as i unwrap each layer.
Thank you  God for my children. I love them so very much! thank you so much for this absolutely beautiful day and the time to spend with Estella, time is really a gift as well ,it goes by so quickly and i dont want to miss out on anything! thank you for all the things i sometimes take for granted, like the warm afternoon sun, without it we never would have sat at the picnic table today, for tastebuds, without them we wouldnt of enjoyed our littel muffin, for dancing, otherwise cleaning wouldnt of been so much fun! Thank you for another day to really live!!!!  

today i will rejoice: fully alive

today i will rejoice: fully alive: This is the day the LORD has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24 This is my challenge for the next 6 months. I was at ...

fully alive

This is the day the LORD has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

This is my challenge for the next 6 months. I was at a service years ago and the speaker said to say this every morning before you get out of bed no matter what , I have one this off and on for years but never in a written form. I am excited, even though I know life has its twists and turns and I am human and I dont always feel like giving thanks. So lets see where this goes!!
 I am going to start with yesteray. At work I met an elderly woman who was just diagnosed with non treatable cancer. As i was giving her a pedicure we were taliking about her life and my friend I work with asked the woman if she could pray with her, as she prayed a beautiful prayer of strength and healing over her i also was praying silently for her. I looked at the scene before me, hands were on her praying from my friend and I was litereally washing her feet. I just started to cry, as I thought of the times in the bible when the disciples washed the feet of Jesus and all the other stories of foot washing and healing.
This woman said through her tears that she had so much life in her, so much more to do and see she wasnt ready in that aspect to die yet.
so many times when I hear of an elderly person dieing i think well at least they lived a long life.
Or I have stupidly thought well they are old, they must of realized this is what happens and are ok with knowing their time is coming.
I am thankful for health, more importantly I am thankfull for another day to live and be fully alive!! This ay will go all to fast just like all the previous years I have lived, and I want to make the most of them because like this beautiful hurting woman, there is alot of life left in me!!!
My prayer for her,
Lord you are perfect and you have a perfect plan for us. we dont usually understand what it is and i know she is questioning how this could be your will for her. Please wrap her in peace give her comfort and give her strength.  I pray for healing! let her be a miracle!